We would like to welcome our new interns, who have successfully passed the selection process among other exceptional candidates. The details are as follows:
1. Maulidya Ilhami RY from Universitas Padjadjaran, will be participating the program in our Jakarta office from January to March 2024.
2. Gemma Zalyana Utari from Universitas Diponegoro,will be participating the program in our Jakarta office in January 2024.
3. Amalia F. R. Fadhilah from Universitas Brawijaya, will be participating the program in our Batam office from January to March 2024.
This internship program is designed to ignite their passion for law and cultivate invaluable experiences. During the internship, they will actively support our lawyers in handling cases and working with clients.
Once again, welcome to AFHS LawFirm. Here’s to a successful and fulfilling internship experience!
#internship #lawstudents #freshgraduates #lawoffice #lawyers #AFHSLawFirm #magang #UNPAD #universitaspadjadjaran #FHUNPAD #UNDIP #universitasdiponegoro #FHUNDIP #UNBRAW #universitasbrawijaya #FHUNBRAW